What Are The challenges For Online Education?

The coronavirus pandemic brought with it the shift of education from physical classes to online Zoom meetings. This sudden change was abrupt and unexpected for every student and teacher, professor, and trainer who were contributing and participating in the field of education. They had to find ways to adapt to the new lifestyle, or rather everybody is still trying to.

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Even though technology might have the answer to all our problems by now, the shift to online learning still comes with a couple of challenges. These pitfalls to online education are discouraging for both students and teachers alike. Following are some of the issues that both the students and teachers had to experience amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

Below Are Some Challenges For Online Education

Lack of Resources

Many students and teachers didn’t have the proper resources needed for a strong and stable internet connection. The ones normally available to them at home were having either low bandwidth or had exhausted their limits, and these were not suitable for attending online classes. Just the process of logging into a classroom became an extremely cumbersome process for both groups.

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Technical Difficulty

Thousands of people around the world experienced countless technical difficulties due to the high usage of online education systems. It led to platforms being overloaded, software crashing down, poor video and audio quality, and unstable internet connection. Students and teachers in both urban and rural areas faced this issue; students had to deal with the homework gap and teachers with managing bad internet connections during online lessons.


Knowledge about LMS

LMS stands for Learning Management System which is a software application that is used to plan, and implement online learning techniques. It is used by both teachers and students alike. However, those who had never used LMS (or weren’t literate about the technology) before the coronavirus pandemic found learning to use LMS a bit too overwhelming.


Organization and Time Management

With no additional training and budget, this has got to be the hardest on teachers. For digital learning, they had to use various digital tools to create teaching strategies and then deliver lectures. They also had to attend virtually separate students, parents, and school meetings. They had to stay online for more than 10 hours to streamline the processes and make learning efficient for their students.



In a typical scenario, students would be made to take a test or appear in an examination on school premises, but that is not possible in online learning. Assessments are made through multiple-choice questions in online education but that shouldn’t be the only feasible solution. Rather assessments need to be measured subjectively as well. Moreover, checking assessment also requires effort which includes downloading and uploading so many answer sheets.

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Passivity among students

Students are normally bystanders in a typical classroom scenario and teachers have to try and engage them in learning materials. This has proved to be challenging for teachers who had to create and find ways to get their students to be involved in the online learning material.


Summing it up

Although the challenges being discussed above have been extremely overwhelming for both teachers and students alike, it has also opened door to multiple new opportunities. Students have achieved new standards of online educations, including knowing that gadgets are not only used for fun, but also for learning new activities and subjects. Teachers have also bravely adapted to the new change by adopting new strategies to make learning interesting for their students.

Moreover, Internet has become a necessity, rather than just a luxury. Many service providers have designed separate internet packages for teachers and students, where they can sign up for affordable internet connections. Also, the government has introduced the Emergency Broadband Benefit program, which is changing to the Affordable Connectivity Program effective December 31, 2021, where eligible internet users can buy internet plans at affordable rates.

Hence, two years into the coronavirus pandemic has helped students and teachers adapt to the new change and learn to manage their online education. Various avenues like service providers are also aiming to make this transition to online education easier for students and teachers.

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