Selecting the Right Electrical Cables for Your Office

Cables are required to access electricity in an office environment just as they are elsewhere such as in the home, and the mandatory basic requirement for any electrical installation is thus that it is able to complete the electrical circuit.

It is therefore imperative that people are aware of just how important it is to have wire and cables of the best quality as those that are substandard can cause a number of threats and risks including the likes of accidents involving electrical currents.

Wires and cables conduct electricity in the office, making it essential that every aspect is guaranteed for safety. Wires and cables that have to perform in an office environment need to be able to function at their best in potentially dangerous situations such as when there are sudden fluctuations in the electrical flow and overloading.

Conducting Material Needs to Be High Quality

There are normally two wire types in the form of aluminium and copper. Copper is the superior conductor of electricity, with the best-conducting material in wire manufacture economically being electrolytic grade copper because it is low resistance and very ductile, which means that it is as much as 100% conductive.

However other factors also need to be taken into consideration during the measuring of conductivity including the nature of the insulation materials that were used and cable size. In these terms, aluminium is the preferred choice because it actually fares more economical than is the case with copper.

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Aluminium is also cheaper, which is why it is used far more often than copper in the manufacture of electrical power cables and those cheaper electrical cable prices certainly make it more appealing to consumers, though it is not recommended for use in the manufacture of wires due to the fact that it has low conductivity and much higher resistance.


Flexible conductor wires are available on the market today and should always be used in preference to solid conductor wires because they are much simpler to lie in conduit and are definitely the preference of the majority of professional electricians. Flexible wires also contain more annealed conductors in comparison to solid wires, thus making the wires a good deal more flexible.


Insulation is the name of the material that is responsible for insulating the bare conductor and thus ensuring it is safe for installation. One thing that should always be made use of as insulation material is flame-retardant PVC (also known as polyvinyl chloride). Flame retardant PVC performs in-cable insulation and sheathing can be PVC that is either flame-retardant or non-flame retardant.

Manufacturers and sellers should be reliable

There are many different brands of wires on the market, but only some of them may actually be able to meet the necessary quality and safety standards. This makes it of the utmost importance to have knowledge of the manufacturer and seller and be assured that they have a good reputation for selling quality material.

All these aspects need to be considered to make sure you choose the right electrical cables for your office.

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