ReactJS for Web Development – Why & Where To Use?

Choosing the right front-end technology nowadays is a big deal. Today’s web development era has witnessed innovative technologies in the market that are designed to cater to different needs.

React is one such popular framework. Being a front-end library, it allows you to build complex products quickly.

In this blog, we will discuss why you need to hire ReactJS developer and how it will help you in your next project.

What is ReactJS?

In 2011, a Facebook engineer named Jordan Walke created ReactJS for the first time. It is an open-source library that allows developers to create large web applications that can change the data without loading the page again and again.

ReactJS is mainly used for scaling purposes. Also, you can combine it with other JavaScript frameworks such as Angular JS in MVC.

What Are The Reasons For Implementing ReactJS?

You are thinking now why you should use React. There are many open-source platforms to help you with your front-end web application development. Here are some reasons that will show you that why you should use ReactJS for web development:

1. Reusable components

ReactJS’s component-based structure allows you to start with smaller components and eventually proceed to the larger ones. You can start your coding with a dropdown, checkbox, or button, and then gradually move towards large components. The major advantage of these components is that they can be used again on any platform.

2. Fast rendering of virtual DOM

You can easily update the DOM with HTML for static websites but it may be a bit tougher for you to do that for dynamic websites as the entire DOM needs to reload whenever the user hits the refresh button.

To solve this issue, ReactJS has introduced virtual DOM. All the processes have been done to the virtual DOM first and after that, it will update the real DOM tree. This process will save your time and also enhance your user experience.

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For example, if a user writes a comment in the respective field and presses the “Comment” button. ReactJS scans the Virtual DOM to look at the changes made by this action. After then, it updates only that section of the DOM which is affected rather than changing the whole DOM.

3. Excellent user interface

ReactJS allows the developers to make faster UIs that provide a better user experience. It solves the issue of managing the UI state, which is the limitation of normal JavaScript. Normal Javascript manually targets the DOM. If any change is made to the HTML structure, then you need to make respective changes manually.

4. Implementation of JSX

JSX stands for JavaScript XML which is similar to HTML and is used to describe the appearance of your app’s UI.

JSX is another important feature of ReactJS. It makes the syntax almost identical to the HTML used on the webpage. JSX eases the writing of building blocks of ReactJS for your developers.

5. Efficient developer toolkit

ReactJS contains a widespread toolkit for developers with which they can easily design and debug any problems. It is also very helpful for developers who want to analyze unique and reactive components and their possible outcomes.

6. Easy transformation to React Native

It is easy for the ReactJS developers to shift to React Native and build user-friendly mobile apps as they will reuse some components of the React web application into a React Native mobile app. It will increase your developer’s speed.

ReactJS Native apps do all the processes of setting up configuration and help us to focus only on the code. It’ll install the dependencies needed to create your project and also generate a rough project structure. By running this command, we can quickly start a brand new project.

7. One way data processing

One-way data flow means the data has only a single way to be transferred to other parts of the application. It means child components are not able to update the data which is coming from the parent component. One way data processing is the easiest way to control the data flow of your app.

Where ReactJS can be Used?

After getting a better understanding of ReactJS, let us look at some of its applications:

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1. Social Networking websites

ReactJS has revolutionized the web development process by integrating unidirectional data binding which has cut down the chaos of web development. Thus, developers can spend more time adding new features to the app instead of figuring it.

ReactJS will decrease DOM manipulations so that you can create more responsive social networking apps. This allows your social media handles to stand out in the searches over multiple platforms.

2. Cross-platform mobile apps

Cross-platform apps can be created with the help of React Native. Developers can easily transfer the web-version of their app to mobile with the assistance of React Native.

Although, developers are unable to use the same code again. But they can use the same architecture and method to build the mobile app.

React Native mobile app acts like a native app on both iOS and Android platforms. If Reactjs can be easily upgraded to a mobile app even though you are using it as a web app.

3. Data visualization tools

Data visualization tools can integrate multiple algorithms of machine learning and business intelligence for effective visualization.

React’s virtual DOM ensures faster re-rendering of components for speedy data display. In such conditions, ReactJS figures out an optimal way to update the UI and builds complex data visualization tools.

4. Ecommerce and Retail

An eCommerce or retail website consists of multiple APIs, complex filters, and elements. Reactjs helps developers implement them by building easily scalable components.

You can store an app state with ReactJS. For instance, when your user scrolls a list of items, the state of the app will be changed. It offers benefits like enhanced performance, memory efficiency, and even speed of development.

Final Words

ReactJS is a robust UI library that can cater to every business’s needs. Developing any front end solutions can become easy with it. That’s why companies are relying heavily on ReactJS for their business goals. I hope you find this blog useful. Keep reading this space for more such insights.

Author Bio: Shahid Mansuri Co-founder Peerbits, one of the leading Software development company USA, in 2011 which provides Blockchain app development services. His visionary leadership and flamboyant management style have yield fruitful results for the company. He believes in sharing his strong knowledge base with learned concentration on entrepreneurship and business
Shahid Mansuri Shahid Mansuri

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