How Storytelling Enhances Your Blogging Strategy?

Blogging has never been an easy task although it requires utter patience for a search engine to rank your article, it also needs enough dedication to the work with blogging strategic approach to rank your article to the first page of search engine’s result.

Storytelling: An art to conquer

Indeed, storytelling is an art. In order to be successful in it, one needs to have a good grasp of the key feature of storytelling.

What can a great story really do?

Storytelling is performed to convey your message to your readers in such a way that they comprehend in the only way you want to. The motive behind a great story is to make the reader fit himself into the story such that he can grasp the key values and trick from the story that he can apply in his life to make it more productive and change his perspective towards the life in a positive way.

Not everyone has this art to pretence in the stage of life. although it could be learned as well since they are also human like us and the only thing which differs them form us is a special set of skills. It is clear like many other skills it requires:

  • creativity: to make yourself different from the other so that they can point out you.
  • Vision: to acquaint your readers what you want to say, such that they will be able to visualise your motive behind the story, in their mind.
  • Practice: practice is the most substantial requirement which also requires a lot of time to work into it. Without practising the skill is of no use as practice grazes the skills and makes it outshine throughout life.

Know more about the process of Storytelling

As we know that storytelling requires an abovementioned set of skills which isn’t hard to get if given enough time to practice and put some brush on them. Although after assembling all these facts and details the very next step is to know from where to begin and then where to go from there and how.

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1. Recognise your audience

The audience is an important factor of storytelling as they are the only one who decides whether they understand the motive behind a story successful or not, which in turn makes the story successful.

The more you know about the mindset of your audience, more are you to narrate your story and be clear about it and makes your story convincing. Which also convinces the audience and makes your blog a trustworthy one.

There are many blogs which have become successful only because they have known the mindset of their audience. Therefore, the audience plays a key role in making a blog successful.

2. Get ascertained with the core message of the story

A story without any message can’t be of any use rather than wasting the time of readers and to make people informed about what the message the story wants to convey it is necessary first you know about it.

Make sure to remain around the main message throughout the story consistently.

Just like say, “An aim without a goal is just a dream” same goes with a story. A story without a message or moral is just a discussion.

This point is not only limited to blogging but can be implemented in various aspects of life. Many Actors, Politicians and other known celebrities have mastered this skill. That’s why they have such a huge fan base and following throughout the world.

3. Get a perfect medium for your story

A medium is a way by which you share your story to the readers. An author can choose any medium up to his wish. Although there are certain points which are to see before choosing a particular medium. Following are the media by which a story can be narrated.

  • Written: it is the most convenient and oldest media to share a story. Most of them include articles, guest blog posts and books too.
  • Digital: a digital story can include a platform which has visual recognition for the reader such as Videos, Animation and also the latest inclusion is games. Undoubtedly, this is the most modern way of communication and also requires facial expressions and para-linguistic features of the narrators.
  • Audio: In the case of making communication more economical this medium is introduced. This is the cheapest medium available among all. This includes the recording of the narration of the story and is available in podcast form.
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4. Get on your shoes and work

After the selection of a proper media to share your story, the most obvious step is to work hard and also work smart.

It requires proper dedication and understanding of all facts and figures briefly so that it results in making the story full of true facts and values.

5. Sharing: an inevitable step

Sharing is an essential feature of modern media as it makes your story to reach more people and get more response from the audience.

Although, if readers share your story you have already won it’s you to take the first steps.

6. Get a reply from readers

Getting a response from the audience is very much important as it includes feedback from them. Just like communication is a two-way process, hence there must be a reply or a comment which make the narrator know about the area in which he/she should work upon.


Storytelling is not less than art which every human possesses as it requires a special set of skills as we have seen from the above article. Not everyone has got the skill to narrate a story perfectly but it doesn’t mean that it can’t be achieved. It requires an individual to go through intense practice to conquer these skills. After learning these skills there are still many factors to look upon to make your audience convincingly satisfied with the message of your story. One must look upon these factors to make their story a perfect one.

About the Author

Naveen is the marketing head at MightyThemes by profession and a blogger by passion. He loves to write about WordPress, Joomla, Digital Marketing and Blogging. Apart from this, in his spare time, he love to play games, watch netflix and do product research. 

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