If you are learning or want to learn about web positioning, you will surely have heard the word What are the SEO backlink types and how it will impact on our website ranking improvement.

Why? Basically, because backlinks are a very important part of web positioning.

Before starting to work with them, it is important to start from the most basic, to really know what is backlink in SEO? what types of links exist and above all what they are for.

So, let’s start!


The definition of backlink is that of an external link to your website, from another that points directly to your website or to any of its sections.this one is the best way to get ranking in search engine result page(SERP). With this Process, we have to link building of own websites to another website, Nowadays  Best SEO Company work on this process to get a quick result on SERP.

In HTML code a link would be written as follows: <a href=”http://www.digital-web-services.com/”> anchor text </a>

As you can see, the link is basically divided into two parts:

The URL of your web

Anchor text or anchor text

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When we generate a text link we have to use an anchor text, also called anchor text.

That anchor text will be the text with which our link will be visibly displayed and when the user clicks on it, it will take you to our website.

  • Anchor text functions

The anchor text of a link can have two main purposes:

– Generate clicks: If we put a link on a website that receives many visits and we put a very striking anchor text, the percentage of clicks will surely be much higher than if we use a more generic anchor text. Therefore, we can use it as a claim to get direct visits from it.

– Position: The anchor text plays a very important role in link building, therefore, we will have to think a lot of that text, as we will have to focus on our SEO strategy. For example, if we want to position “food for small dogs” maybe we can play with variations such as “food for dwarf dogs”, “food for tiny dogs”, “food for small dogs”, etc.

  • Links without anchor text
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There are also links that are not text, links that directly apply to an image in a specific area or layer of the web.

These types of links are also tracked by Google, so it is also interesting to get this type of links.

In the case of images, even if we do not have anchor text, if we can use the alt = “text” tag , and introduce a text related to our theme in that alt to give Google signals about what our website is about, example: <img src = “http://www.miweb.com/mi-imagen.jpg” alt = “text” />


A link to Google means a mention or recommendation from a website to yours.

That is, the more links your website has, the more recommendations you will have for Google, and therefore, the more benefit you will have in terms of SEO.

The links undoubtedly help position, but we cannot determine how many links you need to position a particular search as it depends on many other factors.

Some of these factors directly related to the links I will talk about in this article.

  • Links Do follow VS Links No follow

No follow links are links that include the rel = “nofollow” attribute within the link, for example

 <a rel=”nofollow” href=”http://www.digital-web-services.com”> anchor text </a>

Including this no follow implies that the robots of search engines like Google, when they find this link, will not follow it. That is, they will not track the content of it.

Therefore, a no follow link loses great value in the face of SEO because search engines do not follow these links.

A link do follow or follow, is the link that does not contain that tag rel = “nofollow”, that is, if it does not contain it implicitly it will be do follow the link. It is not necessary to use rel = “dofollow” in it.

This type of links do follow the robots of the search engines like Google, and therefore access them and track their content.

That is why these links do have a great value in terms of web positioning.

  • Links Sitewide VS Links Nositewide

Site-wide links are links that are placed in each and every URL on the web. That is, if a website has 1000 URLs, the link is replicated in the 1000 URLs.

These types of links usually appear in sidebars, footers, and menus.

This type of links can be dangerous because when repeated in so many URLs and with the same anchor text, an over optimization of the link profile can be considered. Therefore, we should not abuse this type of links.

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A link no sitewide is a link that only appears in one or several URLs of the web but it is not repeated in the rest.

Generally, this type of links are usually links in articles.

A site-wide link would be as if the same person recommends you many times and having several links no sitewide is as if many people would recommend us once.

Following this simile, what is better for Google that someone recommends you many times, or that many people recommend you? Undoubtedly the second option is the best.


One doubt that always arises is, if it has the same weight or value, to receive a backlink from the webs of the same theme or different.

Let’s give an example of real life, if you are a doctor, the recommendation that a gardening company can give you does not have the same weight, then the recommendation that a hospital can give you.

What did I mean by this? What about links counts more quality than quantity? If your website is about medicine, it will be better to give you web medicine recommendations than from gardening websites.


One of the best SEO backlink strategy for your website.

Another doubt that arises in many occasions is, what if even being webs of the same theme, have their links the same value.

Returning to the examples of real life, if you are a doctor, the recommendation about you from an international doctor and with prizes does not have the same weight, at the recommendation of the doctor of a town of 50 inhabitants.

The same happens with websites, if a website of a very famous hospital which in turn link from thousands of sites, puts a link, will have much more value than a local link such as a hospital of a pueblo that receives very few links.


Now we all very well known about what is SEO Backlink? Which have been an important part of website positioning, and that is why it is necessary to learn more about them, how they work, how to create them, how to get them naturally and a long list of things that we should of learning.

In the same way, it is very important to know how to use them correctly, since a good use of them can make us climb positions in the Google ranking, but a bad use of them can make us sink and we earn a penalty from the search engine.

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