15 Social Media Tips to Keep in Mind

In a changing world, it is essential to know how to adapt and improve in the face of certain circumstances that the market presents us with. Therefore, if your business is on the internet and you want to mobilize your social networks to increase both the number of customers and sales, we leave you Some tips for social media marketing on your networks.

The Best 15 Social Media Tips Are:

1. Create a plan for each social media channel you have

Planning will make your content plan on social networks prosper. Unfortunately, certain companies make the mistake of blindly incorporating social media marketing without having a well-defined strategy or plan. So play it smart, and we advise that your social media tips should have mini-plans for each social media channel you want to create content on. If you’re just starting out, you’d have to work on three social media sites or less; don’t get saturated, manage those first, and when you improve, you can use more to expand and gain more public.

2. Post content regularly

You don’t need to post content that often but regularly. What is meant by that is that you develop publication schedules in order to manage your social networks better. To carry out your social media marketing plan regularly, you must decide several things such as:

The frequency you post on each social network

The type of content you plan to publish: creating short videos works better than writing words.

Check if you can count on influencers in social networks

Followers follow tons of accounts, so it’s important to upload new stuff, so you don’t get lost or forgotten.

3. You have to be careful when sharing content

When you have to decide what to share on social networks, you should consider the quality of the content, not the quantity. Aside from posting content on a regular basis, it would be best if you kept in mind that it is valuable, and on top of that, it must be entertaining, useful, and relevant to your audience.

There are already tools that suggest content that you can share with your audience. In general, it is usually a lot of content. All you have to do is select the one relevant to your audience. The operation of these tools is generally based on keywords and the sources of data updates.

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4. Use a social media management tool

Using a social media platform offers many other benefits. The casual user can manage their social networks from their phones, but you need a tool that allows you to be more efficient and strategic as a business. These tools make many things easier for you, such as:

Publishing content on multiple platforms

Scheduling posts in advance

Collaboration with your team

See all your social media news sources from one platform instead of logging into five different sites.

Tracking and measuring your results.

5. Post more images and memes along the way

The results have shown that images are the most popular type of content on social networks to generate interactions and participation. And in recent years, the memes that are devastating with their incorporation of humor in social networks have joined.

6. Measure and analyze

Many companies don’t track the return on their social media investment, so they don’t know if what they’re doing is working or not. So if you want to do things well, you must measure and analyze how what you are doing is going on social networks, and you can perform metrics such as:

The reach and interaction for Facebook

Impressions, visits, and mentions on Twitter

Impressions, clicks, and interactions on LinkedIn

Impressions and interaction on Pinterest

Likes, comments, and mentions on Instagram

7. Invest if necessary

Do not be afraid to invest if you think it can have benefits or make your company profitable in terms of customers and economic terms. So if you want to speed up your social media marketing efforts and have the budget to do so, dabbling in paid advertising may be worth it.

8. Create a community and join some

Suppose you think your industry has a significant number of people active on a social media channel. In that case, you can start reaching out to let interested people know that you’re starting a Facebook group, Twitter chat, or LinkedIn group and would like to invite users to join, and you’ll see them join, and you do great things.

Or, if there is a community that you think is important for your business or company, analyze it and join. There are many ideas of communities that you can create, so think carefully about what you can contribute to the community and put it into practice.

9. Interact

Don’t just focus on sharing content. Stand up engage with your audience. The purpose of social networks is to be “social,” so interacting with users is of the utmost importance. Do it, interact regularly. Create feedback.

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Some actions may be the following:

Reply to other people’s posts even if they don’t @mention you

link posts



Add people to Twitter lists

10. Observe your competition

This is a good idea and helps you to know how your competition is performing and why they are somehow having more success on social media. When you have an idea of ​​your competition’s strategies, you can somehow incorporate improvements into your social media marketing plan. You can parse, for example:

The content they post

who follow them

who do they follow

How often do they post?

What time of day do they post?

What types of titles do they use in their posts

Your most popular posts

11. Your customers must find a reason to follow you. Give it to them!

One question you should ask yourself is why should they follow your company? Try to think about it as a client, you have many options, but there must be something that catches your attention in an account to follow it, right? To create value propositions for your audience, such as:

Discount codes exclusively with your Twitter followers

Behind the scenes content on Instagram

You select the best content in your industry on LinkedIn

Real-time customer service and support on Twitter

Webinars on Periscope

Direct on Instagram with answers.

12. Use keywords in your posts

Do not underestimate the power and effectiveness of social media search. Several sites or social networks have search functions in their interface that operate with search engines. These sites can be Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or other social networks. So if there are keywords in your company that you think should be positioned, do not hesitate to do so.

13. E-commerce is possible

You can reinvent the e-commerce strategy and bet on the sale of products or services through social networks, which can be carried out through collaborations with online retailers such as Amazon, with CRM programs, or with your own e-commerce. You can do what you want, as long as you sell something that people demand and therefore buy.

14. Run sweepstakes

Giveaways have gained a lot of ground. It is not only worth selling products and services through a social network. In addition to uploading content, you can create raffles that make people, in addition to interacting, share your social network profile or carry out some actions or activities to end up with a reward.

15. Promotion of social awareness and CSR actions

Users currently identify with brands concerned about climate change, equality, sustainability, healthy eating, etc. Therefore, it is very important to move from storytelling to story-doing and support these causes through tangible content.

At Last

We hope the 15 tips will help you, and continue looking for more things to improve your content and visibility on social networks.

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